I have some things going on, some more teaching etc. I will put links if I can work it out, otherwise things should be Online somewhere
9 – 11 May. Ceramic Art London. The second year at the new venue in Olympia. Its easy to get to and there is a lot going on. This is well worth a visit if you can http://www.ceramicartlondon.com
17 – 26 May Oxford Artweeks. Open Studio. We will have an Open Studio here in Tackley. 17,18,19th of May 10 – 6pm. and 23,24,25of May 10 – 6pm. Any other times just message first. https://www.artweeks.org/festival/searc
June 29th. The Clayrooms. Demo. This is a 1 day demo/talk at the marvellous Clayrooms in the Peak District. I was here last year and it was great. The link should give you more info:https://www.theclayrooms.co.uk/special-events
24 – 27th July . Slipware Course in Oxford with Jane and Dylan Bowen. Details to be confirmed We are just sorting out the venue for this. I think maybe the 10th(?) year we have been running this course, could be more. 4 days making and decorating dynamic slipware. Please get in touch for more information.
21 – 25th September. Making and decorating dynamic slipware. West Dean College. 4 days making and decorating in sunny West Sussex, its an amazing place to stay and work. I don’t think the link is up yet for this course but this should take you to the West Dean website. http:westdean.ac.uk
3 – 6th November. Slipware course at The Ceramic Studio Making and decorating slip decorated earthenware in Kent. This place looks really fabulous. lots more information at: https://www.theceramicstudio.co.uk/dylan-bowen-2025
16 – 21 November Slipware Course at Coombe Farm I have been going to Coombe Farm for the last four years, its a great place to work and stay. I always look forward to heading to South Devon. https://www.coombefarmstudios.com